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Air quality

How high is the air pollution on the roads where I am about to ride my bike? Can I go jogging or for a walk without worrying? Should I give up driving today because the air is already highly polluted?

With "Capital City Air - Air Quality on Streets" you can find out about the current air quality on Berlin's main roads at any time. A map, updated hourly, shows the air pollution in color at those sections of Berlin's main road network where high pollution levels can occur due to peripheral development and a high volume of traffic. The colors of the air quality index allow a quick overview. The air quality data are modeled using current traffic, weather and air quality measurement data.

Air pollutants

  • Nitrogen dioxide (NO2)

    Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is a very harmful irritant gas for us humans. It gets deep into the body through the respiratory tract and can permanently damage health. In addition, NO2 can amplify the adverse health effects of ozone and particulate matter. Epidemiological studies show statistical correlations between air pollution by nitrogen dioxide and health effects such as respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. For example, higher NO2 levels increase the risk of developing bronchitis or asthma. People with pre-existing respiratory conditions such as existing asthma, as well as children and the elderly are particularly sensitive. NO2 is also involved in the formation of the greenhouse gas ozone when exposed to intense sunlight, which also has a strong irritating effect on our respiratory tract. In addition, nitrogen dioxide can be converted to particulate nitrates in the atmosphere, which in turn contribute to particulate matter. NO2 is mainly produced during combustion processes with high temperatures and excess air, e.g. in diesel vehicles, in power plants as well as during the burning of wood. The most important source of elevated NO2 concentrations in Berlin is motor vehicle traffic. It causes about three quarters of the NO2 pollution measured on main roads. About half of the traffic-related NO2 on roads comes from diesel cars.

  • Fine dust (particulate matter)

    Particulate matter is a mixture of various solid and liquid particles that are suspended in the atmosphere for long periods of time and can be transported over long distances. Fine dust can damage the respiratory tract and increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Fine dust particles penetrate the body to different depths depending on their size. The smaller they are, the more dangerous they are for the organism. Particles whose (aerodynamic) diameter is smaller than 10 micrometers - one hundredth of a millimeter - are referred to as PM10 (PM for Particulate Matter). Depending on their size, they can reach the bronchial tubes, the alveoli, or even the bloodstream, where they can cause cardiovascular disease. There are a variety of natural and man-made sources for particulate matter. Particulate matter is produced, for example, by the combustion of fuels in vehicle engines or of coal and oil in power plants. An increasingly important source is wood-burning stoves in homes. Furthermore, particles enter the atmosphere through mechanical processes, e.g. at construction sites, or through dust swirling up. About one third of the particles in Berlin's air are first formed in the atmosphere from gases such as nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide or hydrocarbons. About a quarter of the particle pollution on main roads comes from motor vehicle traffic. The most important source is abrasion from tires and brakes as well as the swirling up of particles. Soot particles contribute only about 5% of the particulate pollution on roads. However, since these particles are especially small in contrast to particles from abrasion and resuspension, they are responsible for most of the harmful effect of traffic-related particles on health.

  • Limit values for NO2 and PM10

    Limit values for air pollutants have been set throughout Europe by the European Directive 2008/50/EC on ambient air quality and cleaner air. For nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter, the following limit and guideline values apply: Component Mean above limit Number of permissible exceedances Particulate matter (PM10) 24 h 50 µg/m³ 35 x / year 1 year 40 µg/m³ -- Particulate matter (PM 2.5) 1 year 25 µg/m³ Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) 1 h 200 µg/m³ 18 x / year 1 year 40 µg/m³ -- (Values in bold: These immission limits are exceeded or there is a risk of exceedance on some roads in Berlin). In Berlin, the limit values for particulate matter could be met for four years (2016 to 2019 continuously). In contrast, the limit value for the annual mean of NO2, which has already had to be complied with since 2010, is still exceeded on a few streets. Therefore, a new clean air plan had to be drawn up for Berlin. The Berlin Senate decided on the second update of the clean air plan in July 2019 in order to comply with the limit values as quickly as possible. Click here for the clean air plan.

  • Richtwerte der WHO für NO2, PM10, PM2.5: WHO-Richtwerte deutlich schärfer

    Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) hat ihre weltweit maßgeblichen Richtwerte für die Luftqualität im September 2021 aktualisiert – und dabei deutlich verschärft. Die Richtwerte beruhen auf tausenden von Wirkungsstudien weltweit. Die Festlegungen markieren neue, niedrigere Richtwerte für die Belastung mit Luftschadstoffen wie Stickstoffdioxid (NO2) oder Feinstaub (PM10 und PM2,5), bei deren Überschreitung ein deutliches Risiko für die Gesundheit besteht. Die geltenden EU-weiten Grenzwerte, die auch dem aktuellen Berliner Luftreinhalteplan zugrunde liegen, sind derzeit noch deutlich weniger streng.

    Die WHO hat die Kurzzeitwirkung der Luftbelastung vornehmlich auf Tagesmittelwertbasis bewertet. Eine Überschreitung dieser Tagesmittel sollte auf maximal 3 bis 4 Tagen pro Jahr reduziert werden. Daraus abgeleitet können auch maximale Stundenmittelwerte angegeben werden, die nicht überschritten werden sollten. Denn erhöhte Stundenwerte führen zu erhöhten Tageswerten. Zudem hat die WHO Zwischenziele zur Erreichung der gesundheitsrelevanten Zielwerte eingeführt, die zu einer allmählichen Verbesserung der Luftqualität führen sollen.

    Um die menschliche Gesundheit bestmöglich vor schädlichen Luftschadstoffbelastungen zu schützen, sollten die täglichen NO2-Mittel nicht höher als 25 µg/m³ betragen, als Zwischenziel werden hier 50 µg/m³ empfohlen. Das PM10-Tagesmittel sollte nicht höher als 45 µg/m³ sein und die PM2,5-Werte nicht höher als 15 µg/m³ im Tagesmittel mit einem Zwischenziel von 25 µg/m³. Das empfohlene Zwischenziel für PM10 liegt bei 50 µg/m³ im Tagesmittel, also unwesentlich niedriger als der empfohlene Zielwert.

    Zum bestmöglichen Schutz der Bevölkerung sollten deshalb die empfohlenen Werte nicht überschritten werden.

Air Quality Index

  • Short-term effect of air pollution

    For quick assessment of air quality, the pollution is displayed in the form of an air quality index. The air quality index shows the current air pollution at a glance and evaluates the short-term effect of air pollutants on human health. For this purpose, the calculated concentrations are assigned to one of six pollution levels. The transition from "sufficient" to "poor" corresponds to exceeding the EU-wide short-term limit value for this pollutant.

    Index NO2* PM10** very good 0-25 0-10 good > 25-50 > 10-20 satisfactory > 50-100 > 20-35 sufficient > 100-200 > 35-50 poor > 200-500 > 50-100 very poor > 500 > 100 * hourly mean in μg/m³ / ** hourly moving daily mean in μg/m³

Behavioral tips

  • Very good air quality

    Enjoy your outdoor activities. Here you can have a good recreation while walking or cycling.

  • Satisfactory air quality

    Short-term adverse health effects are unlikely. However, effects due to air pollutant combinations and long-term exposure to the individual substance cannot be ruled out. Additional stimuli, e.g. triggered by pollen drift, can intensify the effect of the air pollutants, so that effects in sensitive groups of people (e.g. asthmatics) become more likely. If possible, sensitive persons should only walk or cycle for shorter periods on this route.

  • Poor air quality

    Negative health effects can occur. Those who are sensitive or have pre-damaged respiratory tracts should reduce or avoid physical activity here. You should rather avoid this route as a pedestrian or cyclist at the moment.

    You can contribute to better air quality if you do not drive your car (with combustion engine) here now and switch to other means of transport if possible. You can also use the Berlin mobil app to do this.

    Do you drive a Euro 5 diesel vehicle? Then you can make a lasting contribution to better air quality if you have it retrofitted with a nitrogen oxide reduction system - if available. Find out about funding from vehicle manufacturers or federal funding programs, e.g. at

How is the street air quality calculated?

  • IMMIS Model

    The IMMISmt model from IVU Umwelt GmbH is used to calculate air pollution on major roads. This is a monitoring system for city-wide monitoring of air pollution in real time. The calculation of the current air quality is done in several steps.

    First, current data on traffic volume and traffic quality (e.g. congestion or flowing traffic) is used to calculate the current pollutant emission.

    In the second step, the dilution of the pollutants is determined with a dispersion model. For this purpose, current weather data, e.g. on wind speed and wind direction, are used. This dilution results in the additional traffic-related pollution caused by the vehicles driving in this street.

    In the third step, the actual air quality is calculated from the sum of this additional load and the background load. The background pollution is based on measured values from the Berlin air quality network. The calculations were made with an hourly resolution. For NO2, the hourly mean value is shown. This is comparable to the short-term limit value. For particulate matter, the daily mean value can be called up. Only this value is comparable with the short-term limit value.

    A model is always only an approximation of the air quality as determined by measuring instruments. Therefore, over- or underestimations of the actual air quality may be displayed. The model values were compared with measurement results, and the deviations are within the prescribed quality requirements.

Where does the data used come from?

  • Air quality measurement data, traffic data and emission factors

    Air quality measurement data: Air quality in Berlin is monitored at 16 stations of the Berlin Air Quality Monitoring Network (BLUME) by continuous measurements of nitrogen dioxide, particulate matter PM10, ozone, benzene, and carbon monoxide. Six of the stations are located on busy roads, five in the inner-city background (residential and commercial areas) and five in the suburban and forest areas. Data from the stations in Wedding, Mitte, Schöneberg and Nansenstraße are used for the AkLuSt information system. To the measurement data of the flower traffic data: In order to calculate the current pollutant emissions of motor vehicles, various data must be combined. The average fleet composition of the individual vehicle categories (cars, trucks, buses, motorcycles), i.e. in particular the shares of individual Euro standards, is assumed as a fixed variable. This fleet composition is determined by license plate surveys and evaluation of technical data. The surveys take place on selected roads and are repeated at different intervals (every one to three years). If the survey is more than one year in the past, the fleets are further developed by assumptions on fleet modernization. Hourly updates are made to the data on the number of vehicles and the proportion of trucks, as well as to the assessment of traffic quality, since emissions of pollutants are higher when traffic is congested than when it is undisturbed, for example. This is based on current traffic data from over 1,000 automatic traffic counting stations and data from moving motor vehicles and data from the navigation device provider TOMTOM. Emission factors: Information on the pollutant emissions of the various vehicles in grams per kilometer is compiled in the Handbook of Emission Factors (HBEFA). The HBEFA was developed by the Federal Environment Agency together with Austria, Switzerland, France, Sweden and Norway. Version 3.3 of the HBEFA is used. Further information: